Users inside Atlan can be grouped together for easy distribution of catalogs and workflows access.

Inside each group there are two components:

  • Members: List of users who are added to the group.
  • Access: List of workflows and catalogs to which the entire group will have access to.

Let’s see how we can create groups and add members and access to it.

Step-By-Step Guide to Create Groups

Step 1: Go to the ‘Governance’ tab on the left.

Step 2: Click on the ‘Groups’ option given under the ‘Members’ section.

Step 3: Click on the ‘+ Create Group’ button in blue, given on the top right.

Step 4: Fill in details about your group

  • Add details about your group. Its name, description, tags for identification, etc.

Example: You can create a specific group for your team inside Atlan. Just give it a name like ‘Ecommerce’ and add a description as - ‘ Group of the Ecommerce team inside Atlan’.

  • The next step is to add members. Select the members you want to add to your group.

Remember: One user can be a member of multiple groups.

  • Once you are done adding all the members, just click on `Create Group`.

Note: If you want to add new users who do not currently exist, you will first have to invite them to the instance. To know more about inviting new users, check out this article: How to invite new users to Atlan.

How to manage access inside each group

Your group is now ready. You must now be wondering how to add access to this group. 

Worry not! It is super easy. Just follow the steps below.

Step 1: Go to the dedicated catalog and workflow overview page via the Catalog and Workflow section respectively or by Ctrl/Cmd+K search. 

Step 2: Click on the ‘Share’ button given in blue on the top right corner.

Step 3: Type in the name of your group in the bar given and it will appear in the drop-down. 

  • Just select the name of your group to share the catalog or workflow with. 

  • Also, do not forget to choose the level of access you want to give to the group - Viewer, Collaborator, or Manager.  

  • Click on Share.

As soon as you share any catalog or workflow with a group, it will start showing inside the group as well. Just click on the Access tab given op top, inside each group.

Remember: You can remove access to a workflow, catalog or a connection from this tab, but you cannot add any new access from this screen.

Your group is now ready to be used :)