Field teams may change from time to time. In case a data collector is not a part of the organization any more, their access to your Collect forms can be revoked. Only team managers or admins can remove members from a team.

If you are a manager, follow these steps to remove someone from a team using the Collect mobile app:

  1. Ensure that you are connected to the internet and the Collect app is updated.
  2. Go to 'Manage Teams' in 'Settings' (the gear icon at the top right).
  3. Search for the team that you want to remove a member from. You will be able to see any teams for which you are a manager. 
  4. Search and select the registered mobile number of the device to be removed.
  5. Press 'Remove', and confirm by selecting 'Yes'.

The device will be successfully removed. The responses submitted by the deleted device will remain in the system and can be accessed later.

Here's how you can add members to your team on the Collect app.