Once your data collection project is complete, you can cancel your Collect subscription or deactivate your account.  

To cancel your Collect subscription or deactivate your account, follow these steps :

Step 1. Log in to your Collect web dashboard. On the top right corner you will be able to see an icon with the initials of your name. Click on the icon.

Step 2. From the drop down options, click on "Manage Organization".

Step 3. On the left side, select  "Billing and Subscription"

Step 4. Click on "Contact Us". A pop up appears. You can fill in the details and submit. We will get right back to you.

As soon as you submit, we receive your response. We will get right back to you.

FAQs about Cancelling A Collect Subscription

Ques. Can I cancel my subscription anytime I want?

Ans. Yes, you can initiate your account cancellation at any point during your subscription. However, it will only take effect at the end of the current subscription period. For example, if your account is due to expire on the 15th of a month, cancellation would ensure that no further renewal charges are applied for the account after the 15th of that month. 

Note: Since Collect subscriptions are monthly, cancelling an account before the end of the current subscription would not entail any partial refunds.

Ques. What happens to my data after I cancel my subscription?

Ans. Once your subscription is cancelled, you will not be able to view or download your response data from the Collect dashboard. We recommend that you download all your data before the end of your subscription.


If you want to change your current subscription plan — downgrade or upgrade it, you can read more about our pricing plans here.