Collect offers you a range of subscription plans — no matter the scale of your data collection project. Pick the one that suits your needs the best.

Subscription plans on Collect are based on two parameters:

a. The number of responses that you would like to collect or the number of surveys you will do

b. The number of devices that you would use to collect data or the number of data collectors who will be collecting data using their devices.

There are no limits at all on the number of forms you can create or the number of questions you can add to your forms. Additionally, there are also some advanced features like Google Sheets integration, resurveying and monitoring. You can can subscribe to them as well. 

Available pricing plans:


Frequently Asked Questions:

Product Usage

Q. What is a Form Response?

Ans. Each response which is submitted after answering all the questions on one form on the Collect mobile app (irrespective of the number of individual questions in the form) constitutes a form response. 

Let's take an example where you have 1 form on which data will be collected by 10 users/mobile devices. If each user fills all the questions on your form and presses the "Submit" button on the app once, you would have collected 10 responses.

Q. What is a Device?

Ans. A device is any mobile phone on which the Collect app has been used to submit at least one form response during the subscription period. 

Q. What happens after my subscription expires?

Ans. After your subscription expires, you will have limited access to Collect. You can continue collecting responses but will not be able to view or download them. You can re-activate your account on any of the subscription plans mentioned above to access your responses by writing to us at


Payment and Billing

Q. Which payment methods do you accept?

Ans. We accept all major credit cards and debit cards.

Q. How can I subscribe to Collect?

Ans. You can subscribe to Collect under the plan of your choice based on your data collection requirements by going on this link -

Q. Can I change my subscription after choosing a plan?

Ans. If you want to change to a different plan at any time during your subscription, you can get in touch with us at and we will be glad to assist you.