Once your data collector has resurveyed flagged responses, you will be able to view the new response as well as the original response. If you are satisfied with the resurveyed response, you can accept it; if you are not satisfied with it, you can reject it to be resurveyed again.

In this article, we will discuss how you can view the resurveyed responses and manage them.

Viewing Resurveyed Responses

Step 1. Go to your Collect account and then go to the "Forms" tab.

Step 2. Here, you will be able to see all your forms with the number of responses collected on each. Click on the form for which you want to view the responses.

Step 3. Now, go to "Resurvey" tab. Here you will be able to view a list of flagged responses.

Note: If the Response tag is "Flagged", it means that your field staff has not resubmitted a corrected response. If the Response tag is "Resurveyed", it means that the response has been resubmitted.

Step 4. For any response, click under "Resubmissions" to view the new, resurveyed response. Then click on "View Response" to view its details. 

You can also view the original response by clicking on "View" under "Original response".

Step 5. Click on "Accept" to accept the resurveyed version and "Reject" to reject it.