Downloading your data gives you a few options of configurations you can choose from. This article takes you through one of them.

Understanding Option Labels and Option Codes

Option Label: These are the multiple options you enter while creating a single or multiple choice question on your survey. For instance, option labels for the question “What is your gender” would be “Male”, “Female”, “Other” etc.

Option Code: Option codes are aliases that you can give to option labels to bring in consistency in reporting. Adding option codes allows standardization for better data analysis. Read more about option codes here.

When to Use Option Codes

  1. Variation between forms: In case of multiple forms, you may have the same question repeated across forms with different labels. For instance, the option la for gender may be “Male/Female” in Form A and “M/F” in Form B. In such cases, using option codes allows for standardization.
  2. Change in option labels: In case your option labels have been changed in the form during the course of the survey, option codes must be used because they would remain constant.
  3. Multiple languages: If you are running a survey in multiple languages, keeping option codes in one common language throughout helps in conducting data analysis without facing language issues.