While downloading your data, you can choose between "Question Title" or "Question Keyword" based on what you want the format of exported data file to be. Here is everything about it.

Understanding Question Title and Question Keyword

Title Question: These are the names of the questions or the names that you use while creating a form.

Question Keyword: A keyword is essentially an alias you can assign to a question. It is generally a shorter, simpler version of the question titles in your survey. Read more about what keywords are here.

When to Use Question Keywords

  1. Lengthy questions: If your question titles are very long and detailed, you should select keywords to appear in the report. Example, in place of "What is your name?", your header will be "name".
  2. Multiple languages: If you are running a survey in multiple languages, keywords, if they have been kept in one common language should be selected to appear in the report. Example, in place of a French "Quel est votre nom?", your header will be "name".