This article takes you through multiple ways (within and outside the platform) through which you can access images collected in your surveys.

Collect allows you to capture images, audio, videos, and signatures in your surveys to make them more comprehensive. These can be seen in the responses collected on the Responses tab of your dashboard. Once you download the report, the captured images and signatures can be seen as URLs in their respective columns in the Excel/CSV file.

You can view this data from the Gallery tab on CollectFollow the steps below to access the gallery - 

Step 1: On the top centre of the Collect web dashboard, select the “Forms” tab. Here, you will be able to see all your forms with the number of responses collected on each. Click on the form for which you want to view the responses.

Step 2: Click on the "Responses" tab. You will be led to a screen with the details of all the recorded responses — auditor name, unique IDs, date of submission, along with all the data submitted

Step 3: On the top right, click on “Views" tab and then click on “Gallery”. You can select the question for which you want to view the media under Show Responses for Question” tab.

Step 4: You can click on the 3 dots right next to the respective media to see which response they are associated with by clicking on "View Full Response" and download the same.

There are some alternate ways in which you can view/download this data - 

  1. Download bulk media on your system - You can download all the media files for a question on your form by following the steps below:
    1. Go to the Response tab and then click on the Download tab on the right side of your Collect dashboard. 
    2. Click on Media Responses tab
    3. Select the question for which you want to view the Media under Question” tab.
    4. After selecting the question, you can choose the filters like Date Range, Tags, Submitted by, etc. Once you have selected the desired configuration click on the Download button.

2. View media files in browser - One other way to view the media files is to copy the URL from the downloaded Excel/CSV file and opening them on your browser. To download the images on your system, you can right click on the image and click on “Save image as”.

3. View media files in response row - While the media files appear as URLs in the downloaded report, Google sheet allows you to view small thumbnails of the images along with the rest of the answers from the responses collected using a simple formula.

a. Copy the data from the downloaded file and paste them on a new Google sheet.
b. Once the data is copied, insert a new column in the sheet.
c. Add a formula in the column - "=image(cell name)". Here, cell name is the cell on which the image URL is given. Once you click enter, this will convert the URLs to images in that column.
d. Here is an article which can give you additional clarity on how to use this function.