In a data collection project, you might need to make some changes to your survey form at times. In such a case, it is important to ensure that every data collector is using this updated version of the survey form and not the old one. This helps avoid incorrect or incomplete data and saves time.

Collect lets you send push notifications to your data collectors to update them. These notifications, when enabled, send an in app notification on the data collectors mobile phones whenever a form is published. This can serve as a reminder to data collectors to refresh forms on the app.

Activating Push Notifications on Collect

Step 1. Go to the "Forms" tab on your Collect dashboard. Here, select the form that you want to activate push notifications for.

Step 2. Click on "Settings" tab on the top center

Step 3. Now, under Features, switch on "Push Notfications" by clicking the toggle button.

Step 4. Scroll up to the top of the page and click on "Publish form" to make the changes live.

Note: Notifications may not be sent to your field team members in cases where they've manually disabled notifications from Collect on their individual mobile phones.