Once you have created a form and published it, your data collectors can use it to survey people and submit responses. For this, you need to add their mobile number to the forms you want to give them access to. In this article, we will discuss how you can do that.

Adding a Data Collector to a Form:

Step 1. Go to your Collect account and the go to the "Forms" tab.

Step 2. Search for the form you want to add data collectors to and click on it.

Step 3. Now, add the mobile number of your data collector in the "Audience" box. You will be able to see it on the right panel of this tab.

Step 4. Click on "add phone number" to confirm.


Your data collectors will need the Collect mobile application to view the form and submit responses. They can download the app from Google Play Store by searching for " Collect - Data Collection Tool".