Questions on Collect have different fields like question title, keywords, help content, etc. Here is what these fields mean and how to use them.

Question Title:

It is the text that will appear as the question title or question name in your form. Ex: “Name of the respondent”, “Age of the respondent”, etc.


The question help content is the information that shows up on the Collect app along with the questions. It gives information that helps the surveyor and respondent understand the question better. It is best to add question help content for any question that might be difficult to understand or needs specific instructions on how the question needs to be asked/answered.


A keyword is an alias or second name, which helps in identifying the question and makes data analysis easier. If you have multi-lingual forms or long question headers, these can be really helpful as these can be used as column headers in your downloaded data. Here is more about keywords.

Mandatory Checkbox:

The mandatory checkbox is used to control whether you want a question to be compulsory or optional. Keeping it checked means that a question will be compulsory to answer. By default, it is checked.

If you want to allow respondents to leave a question unanswered, you can un-check the box.

Note: It's a good practice to keep questions mandatory on a survey and add skip rules or conditions if you want to make any questions optional based on the respondent's response.


Many question types on Collect allow you to set limits to help you capture more accurate data. Limits can be of different types: on the number of characters allowed, number of digits allowed, allowed upper and lower limit for a number, etc.

These limits let you control basic data quality — if there is any response that doesn't follow the applied limits, it is stopped at input itself. For example, in the “age” question of an education survey being conducted in a school, it could be helpful to limit the number of digits to maximum two.

Read more about validations here.


It lets you delete a particular question from your form.


It lets you change the order of the questions in your form. You can use this to define the sequence that questions will be asked in.


It lets you create a copy or duplicate of an existing question. You can then edit or customize the copied question as you want.