Instead of creating a new form from scratch, you can choose one of our ready-made form templates to save time. You can also edit and customize these templates as you want. In this article, we will explain how you can get started with a template on Collect.

Using a Form Template on Collect

Step 1. Go to the "Forms" tab on your Collect web dashboard. Then, click on "Create a form".

Step 2. Pick the template category from the list on left or search for what you are looking for.

Step 3. Click on "View template". You will be able to see all the questions present in it. Remember you can add, remove, and edit questions later.

Step 4. Then, click on "Use this template". Your template is set now.

You can add or remove questions, edit form title, and customize it as you want. Once you are done, you can publish this form and add share it with your field team for data collection.

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