Collect provides a variety of question types that you can add to your survey forms. Here is what they mean, how you can create them, and more.

Collect lets you add 25+ types of questions to your survey forms. These include common question types like text, number, and choice; media question types like images, videos, and audio; and more advanced question types like location, monitoring, etc.

In this article, we will discuss what these question types are, how you can add them, and some pro tips.

Type of Questions on Collect

Category 1: Popular Question Types

Single Choice: Ask respondents to choose one option from a list of options. Ex: "What is your gender?"

Multiple Choice: Ask respondents to choose multiple options from a list of options. Ex: "Which vehicles do you own?"

Text: Get open-ended, text information from respondents. Ex: "What is your name?"

Number: Get numeric information from respondents. Ex: "What is your age?"

Location: Get a location as a response in your survey — it can be the location of your data collection or you can also allow respondents to mark a location on the map. Ex: "Location of the surveyed entity".

Date: Record a date in your survey. It can either be the date of your data collection or some other date. Ex: "What is your date of birth?"

Time: Record a time in your survey. It can either be the time of your data collection or some other time. Ex: "Time of latest facility audit"

Note: Get open-ended, long-form text information from people. Ex: "Do you have any suggestions?"

Signature: Record a signature in your survey.

Section Break: Add a section break to your survey to make it easier to read and fill. It also lets you divide your survey into sections like personal information, health information, professional information, etc.

Area on Map: Draw a polygon on a map and then calculate it's area. Ex: "How many square meters of land have you cultivated?"

Distance on Map: Calculate distance between multiple points on a map. Ex: "How many kilometers have you traveled?"

Category 2: Media and Contact

Image: Capture an image as a response in your survey. You can choose whether you want to record live images only or allow data collectors to upload images from gallery. Ex: "Image of the building

Image Geo Tag: Capture an image along with a geo coordinates and time stamp as a response in your survey. Ex: "Image of the beneficiary"

Phone: Get a phone number as a response in your survey. Ex: "What is your contact number"

Email: Get an email address as a response in your survey. Ex: "What is your email address"

Audio: Capture an audio recording as a response in your survey. Ex: "Audio of the child reciting a paragraph"

Video: Capture a video recording as a response in your survey. Ex: "Video of the focus group discussion"

File Upload: Get a file as a response in a survey. This can be a pdf, ppt, doc, etc. Ex: "Upload your ID proof"

Category 3: Feedback

Likert Scale: Add a likert scale to your survey form to get to know respondents' opinions. Collect allows you to use either text or emoji for your likert scales. Ex: "How happy are you with the service?"

Scale: Add a scale to your survey form. Collect allows you to customize the scale and step size. Ex: "On a scale of 1 to 5, how did you like the food?"

Rating: Add a rating question to allow people to rate a service, product, or experience out of 5 stars. Ex: "How many stars would you give to the hospitality of the hotel?"

Category 4: Advanced


Repeat questions within a form using group questions. They are used to combine multiple questions into a group and ask them based on some logic. You can create group questions based on the answer to a number question, choice question, or a custom condition. Ex: In a household survey, you can ask a question "How many people are there in the household?"

Based on the answer of this question, you can create a number group question to ask a set of questions for every household member.


It lets you select from a list of options or drop-down — for example, names of people, programs, villages, etc. In general, it is used to connect baseline information to the new survey.

Ex: In a long-term project, you might do the baseline study and then monitor the same people over time by collecting certain information after a time-interval.


It lets you perform in-survey computations to avoid human errors and save time. You can use it to compute a value and store it; or use it in another question in the survey.

There are five types of calculations — addition, subtraction, multiplication, ratio, and percentage. Ex: In a school survey, you could ask for number of boys (a) and number of girls (b). To get the total number of students, you can simply use the addition type under calculation question (a+b).

Barcode: Barcode questions allow you to scan and store barcodes.