Once you have started your data collection, you can view all your collected responses in real time – as soon as they are submitted and synced. In addition to the good, old data table, you can also view your data in other formats: on a map, in a gallery view, etc.

In this article, we will discuss the different ways you can view your data in.

Viewing Data on Collect

Step 1. Go to your Collect account and then go to the "Forms" tab. 

Step 2. Here, you will be able to see all your forms with the number of responses collected on each. 

Step 3. Click on "Responses" against the form for which you want to view responsesYou will be able to see a table with details of responses collected on this form.

If you want to view some specific responses, click on the "Filters" button on the right of the screen where you can filter data by a specific synced date range, user, response tag, or response ID. Click on “Refresh” to update your responses after adding a filter.

Step 4. Next, click on "View" next to a response to view the data captured in the response.

About Other Views:

Click on the "Views" tab present on the right of the screen to check other view options.

Map View: If you have a location question in your form, you can also view your responses on a map using the "Map" option present next to "Table".

Gallery: If you have a media question (image, video, signature etc.) in your form, you can view all the media files together using "Gallery" option on the "View" tab. In case you have multiple media questions on the form, you can select the question you would like to view the images for using the drop down under "Show responses for question".

Next Steps:

In addition to viewing your responses, you can also download your collected data in an Excel or CSV format for further analysis. Here is how you can do that.