Conditional questions or skip-logic helps you create surveys where questions are dependent on each other. In cases where the answer to one question determines whether the next question should be asked or not, these conditional questions can be very useful.

An example of a conditional question is “Are you pregnant?”. This question should only be shown to respondents who answer the gender question as “Female”.

In this article, we will discuss how you can do this by adding conditions to questions on Collect.

Adding Conditions to Form Questions

Conditional questions are used to prevent respondents from viewing and answering questions that don't apply to them. They make sure that all the questions asked to a respondent are relevant to him/her.

Here's how you can add rules to your form - 

1. Go to your Collect account and go to the form you want to add conditional questions to.

2. Now create all questions you will be using.

3. Go to the top of your survey form and click on “Rules”

4. A new screen will open up. Click on “ + Add New Rule” to create a rule.

5. Create a condition by following a 2 -step process. 

  1. In Step 1, select the question on which the child question will be dependent. For example, "Did you attend the workshop?". Then select the condition which needs to be satisfied.
  2. In Step 2, select the question which needs to be visible when the condition in step 1 is satisfied. For example, show "How was your experience". Click on "Save" and your conditional question is ready.



If your parent question is a number question, the value in Step 1 can be 'less than', 'greater than', or 'equal to'. Select one of these, then enter a numerical value.

For example, imagine that the parent question is “How many children do you have?” and the child question is “What is the age of your youngest child?”. We only want the child question to appear if the respondent has multiple children, so we would set 'greater than 1' for the criteria.